RangeMaster Long Range WiFi

RangeMaster WiFi King Logo


User Guides

RangeMaster Kit V2 (blue box)
Instructions for setting up the RangeMaster WiFi router and outdoor antenna.

RangeMaster  Kit V1 (brown boxes)
Instructions for setting up the RangeMaster WiFi router and outdoor antenna.

RangeMaster WiFi King Long Range USB Antenna
Instructions for setting up the WiFi King USB antenna with your computer.

RangeMaster Router with 3G Dongle (discontinued)
Quick step by step instructions to using the router with the 3G dongle

Top Tips

Adding security to the RangeMaster router
It’s easy to add a password to the RangeMaster router so that only you can access it, this tells you how.

Change the WiFi Channel used by the RangeMaster router
If you are having problems with intermittent connections or slow speeds it may be due to interference from another nearby WiFi network. Changing the channel the RangeMaster router on should solve this.

Download Drivers
Drivers for using the WiFi King USB antenna plugged directly into your computer.

Signal Strength Readings
What do the signal strength readings in the Site Survey mean?

Resetting the Router
Here is how to reset the router to factory default settings.

Where to get a Wi-Fi Connection
Some alternatives to site provided Wi-Fi


iPad/iPhone Stuck Page
Read this if you are having problems with the page not proceeding when connecting the router to a WiFi network when you are using an iPad or iPhone

IP Address Clash
If you can connect to a network but can’t load any pages check this.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions 
Here are some answers to some Frequently Asked Questions we have had about the RangeMaster products