Using the RangeMaster Router and WiFi antenna with an iPad or iPhone

1. On your iPad or iPhone go into Settings and then WiFi and connect to the WiFi network named RANGEMASTER or 11N 3G ROUTER_AP

2. Open Safari and enter in the website field:

3. When you are asked to login enter admin for both username and password

4. You will now be on the Status screen, press the blue “Change Profile” button on the right

5. Press the blue “Site Survey” button on the right

6. You will now see a list of the WiFi networks the router can see, select the one you want to connect to using the dot on the left next to its entry and press the blue “Select” button at the bottom right

7. On the next screen enter the password for the WiFi network in the “Pass Phrase” box and press the blue “Save” button.

8. A box will pop up asking if you want to save and activate this profile, press the blue “Activate/Save” button.

9. You will see a timer wheel while it connects to the network and then it will return to the Status screen showing you as connected. If you don’t return to the status screen after 10 seconds go back to Settings on your iPad and to WiFi and check that you are connected to RANGEMASTER or 11N 3G ROUTER_AP

When you want to connect to a different network you do not need to press the reset button, just follow the above steps again.

More detailed instructions with screenshots are available here.